Fit First Responders


Fit First Responders Foundation is a comprehensive training program created to serve those who serve us in time of community crisis, uniformed first responders.


The FFR logo was designed to reflect the strength and courage needed to be a first responder. Colors represent the USA and the shape and flag motif represent a badge of honor.

WEBSITES is a membership site to build a community of first responders across the nation to be fit for duty and fit for life. is the non profit website created to build awareness of the problem that first responders often have being mentally and physicaly fit for duty. The site is designed to capture donations to support the cause.

The goal of is a lead magnet that was created to introduce first responders to the FFR philosophy and help them take the first step to lead them to be a larger part of our commuity and join the membership site.

Results: The websites were strategically designed to successfully educate community partners and donors on the problem and our solution, while providing an avenue for first responders to create healthy lifestyle change through our 5 proven pillars so they can be fit for duty and fit for life.



25 Day Challenge Campaign

This ad was created to target first responders to join the fit for duty fit for life community. This was a national campaign to target first responders to get a free copy of the Fit First Responders book to lead them to an online membership site. 

Results: In 60 days, we were able to get 400 books in the hands of first responders, 175 people to take part in the challenge and over 150,000 video views.

Content Posting

Design and Marketing for Facebook & Instagram. Content posting allows for images, videos and keywords to be used consistently to convey information to a loyal following as well as to boost SEO and online presence in a Google Search. 

D2 Branding of Tulsa ignites brands, corporations, franchises and personal brands through digital marketing, SEO, SEM, Web Design and business consulting to increase your profit.