5 Reasons Hiring a Business Coach Equals Financial Freedom

Hiring a business coach can be incredibly beneficial for individuals who are looking to reach their financial goals. Here are some of the key reasons why:

  1. Expert guidance: Business coaches have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to setting and achieving financial goals. They can provide expert guidance and advice on topics such as budgeting, investment strategies, and business development, helping you to make informed decisions and take strategic action towards your financial goals.
  2. Accountability: A business coach can help you to stay accountable to your financial goals by setting clear milestones and tracking progress over time. They can provide regular feedback and support, helping you to stay motivated and on track towards achieving your desired outcomes.
  3. Personalized approach: A business coach can provide a personalized approach to achieving your financial goals, taking into account your unique circumstances, strengths, and weaknesses. They can tailor their coaching to meet your specific needs, helping you to overcome any obstacles or challenges that may be preventing you from reaching your financial goals.
  4. Overcoming limiting beliefs: Many individuals have limiting beliefs around money that can hold them back from achieving their financial goals. A business coach can help you to identify and overcome these limiting beliefs, helping you to develop a more positive and empowering mindset around money and wealth.
  5. Time-saving: Hiring a business coach can save you time by providing you with a roadmap and strategy for achieving your financial goals. Rather than wasting time on trial and error or ineffective strategies, a business coach can help you to focus on the most impactful actions that will help you to achieve your desired outcomes.

Overall, hiring a business coach can provide you with the support, guidance, and accountability you need to reach your financial goals, helping you to build wealth and create the life you desire.

Here are three examples of companies that have had financial success after hiring a business coach:

  1. Nike: Nike is a global athletic footwear and apparel company that has been highly successful in the sports industry. In the early 2000s, Nike hired a business coach named Renée Mauborgne, who helped them to develop a new strategic vision and approach to their business. Mauborgne helped Nike to focus on innovation and differentiation, which led to the development of new products and services that helped the company to stand out in a highly competitive market. As a result of these efforts, Nike’s revenue increased from $9.5 billion in 2000 to $36.4 billion in 2020.
  2. Google: Google is a multinational technology company that is known for its search engine and other innovative products and services. In the early days of the company, Google hired Bill Campbell as a business coach, who helped them to develop a strong corporate culture and leadership style. Campbell worked with Google’s founders to establish a management framework that focused on transparency, open communication, and collaboration, which helped the company to grow rapidly and become a dominant force in the technology industry. Today, Google has a market capitalization of over $1 trillion.
  3. The Ritz-Carlton: The Ritz-Carlton is a luxury hotel brand that is known for its exceptional service and high-end amenities. In the 1990s, The Ritz-Carlton hired a business coach named Horst Schulze, who helped them to develop a customer-centric approach to their business. Schulze worked with The Ritz-Carlton to establish a set of customer service standards that focused on anticipating and exceeding customer expectations, which helped the brand to differentiate itself from other luxury hotels. As a result of these efforts, The Ritz-Carlton has become one of the most highly-regarded hotel brands in the world, with over 100 hotels in more than 30 countries.

These are three amazing examples of a business exploding after they hired a business coach! Everyone needs a coach in their life to hold them accountable and push them to do more than they ever thought was possible!

If you’re interested in hiring a business coach in Tulsa but you’re not sure where to start, here are some steps you can take to find the right coach for your needs:

  1. Identify your goals: Before you start looking for a business coach, it’s important to identify your goals and what you hope to achieve through coaching. This will help you to find a coach who has the right experience and expertise to help you reach your objectives.
  2. Research potential coaches: Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, start researching potential coaches who specialize in your area of interest. You can use online directories and platforms such as LinkedIn or Google to find coaches, or ask for referrals from colleagues or industry associations.
  3. Check credentials and experience: When evaluating potential coaches, check their credentials and experience to ensure they have the necessary expertise to help you achieve your goals. Look for coaches who have relevant certifications or training, as well as experience working with clients in your industry or field.
  4. Schedule a consultation: Once you have identified a few potential coaches, schedule a consultation with each of them to discuss your goals and evaluate their coaching style and approach. This will help you to determine if the coach is a good fit for your needs.
  5. Check references: Before making a final decision, be sure to check references and testimonials from previous clients. This can give you a better understanding of the coach’s track record and the results they have achieved for others.
  6. Agree on terms and expectations: Once you have selected a coach, be sure to agree on the terms of the coaching engagement, including the scope of services, fees, and expectations for communication and progress tracking. This will help to ensure that both you and the coach are aligned on your goals and expectations for the coaching relationship.

Overall, finding the right business coach in Tulsa requires some research and due diligence, but it can be an incredibly rewarding investment in your personal and professional growth. If you are ready to hire a business coach, go to www.d2branding.com and click on “Get a Quote” for a free business assessment. Be sure to put “free business assessment” in the comments.

Deedra Determan, Founder

Deedra Determan started her career working in television for one of the top media companies in the country and later became a marketing consultant in the television industry.

Determan went on to launch a niche website for moms in her local market with over 100,000 moms visiting the website each month using the power of Facebook. After one year from launching, Determan sold the website to Oklahoma Media Company, Griffin Communications. Determan went on to launch a digital marketing agency, D2 Branding – Tulsa SEO, Marketing, and Website Design that was recently recognized as one of the “Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America” by Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur360.

Determan is the host of the Do It My Way Podcast Show, empowering women business owners and CEO’s to do business on their terms with no regrets, hesitation or fear. Determan coaches these women on how to create a personal brand so they can live a life of financial freedom, working when they want to work and making the money they want to make!