D2 Branding Blog

Digital Marketing & Branding Resources

Customers Buy for Pain or Pleasure

Customers Buy for Pain or Pleasure

There are two things you can offer people to make them buy your product or service: Getting them out of pain, or bringing them pleasure. First, let’s talk about pain. Think of the weight loss...

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Why We Only Work 28 Hours a Week

Coming Up With Your Brand Name

One of the hardest things to do when you are starting a business is to come up with the name! You want it to be memorable, mean something, easy to say, easy to Google, eventually become a household...

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Are You a Present Leader?

Are You a Present Leader?

How present are you in your day-to-day interactions? It’s easy to let distractions (both online and offline) prevent us from being fully present in the moment. When we’re not present, we can’t give...

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