No Ad Budget? Launch a Brand Ambassador Program

No Ad Budget? Launch a Brand Ambassador Program

A great marketing strategy is developing a brand ambassador program, especially if you don’t have a big marketing budget when you launch your business. A brand ambassador is a social marketing strategy that uses your company’s message, content and influencers to...
Want to be a Successful Boss? Follow These Six Steps 

Want to be a Successful Boss? Follow These Six Steps 

Do you want to become a boss and stand out from the rest?  I work with many successful female CEOs and entrepreneurs who are amazing leaders in their organizations, and the things they all have in common are these six leadership skills. If you master these skills,...
Why do we procrastinate when we know it will hurt us? 

Why do we procrastinate when we know it will hurt us? 

We can probably all think of several times in life when we’ve procrastinated doing something we know we need to do. Maybe it was a difficult conversation we needed to have with an employee, or maybe it was starting a fitness and nutrition plan. Or, maybe you’ve been...
Six Things Not To Say on a Sales Call

Six Things Not To Say on a Sales Call

Do you ever end a sales call and think, ‘Why did I say that?’ I’ve had many sales calls go like that, but the more that I’ve sold over the years, the more I’ve perfected my pitch. In business, you’re always selling something. If you’re an employee, you’re selling your...
10 Ways to Beat Laziness & Be More Productive

10 Ways to Beat Laziness & Be More Productive

10 Ways to Beat Laziness & Be More Productive I once met with a client who told me she wasn’t happy with where she was in her life. She felt bored with her job, unhappy with her weight, dissatisfied in her marriage and distant from her kids as they were getting...
Your Customers Are Texting, So Why Aren’t You?

Your Customers Are Texting, So Why Aren’t You?

Text messaging isn’t just a convenient way to chat with your friends. It’s actually a powerful mobile marketing tool for small businesses! SMS or text marketing allows you to directly connect with your loyal customers or even potential clients on their phones, giving...